WaxUp - 25 doll USA/for 1
MockUp - 10 doll USA/for 1
Temporal - 10 doll USA/for 1
Impression - 50 doll USA - once.
Digital impression - 100 doll USA. (once)
Whitening - 90 doll USA. (оnce)
Cleaning - 40 doll USA. (оnce)
PRICE VENEERS (for 1) work of doctor + work of laboratory + fixation include*
TYPE 1 - 500 еuro
TYPE 2 - 380 doll USA
TYPE 3 - 250 doll USA
*more quicly (1 week) + 40%
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What is a Veneer?
Veneers are attached to the teeth similarly as artificial nails. They are made in a dental laboratory on the basis of a precise impression of teeth and then fastened to the tooth surface.
How will my teeth look like with the Veneers on?
Veneers in Ukraine are characterized by excellent aesthetics because in their performance the characteristics of the natural teeth are taken into account, such as shape, color, transparency, cracks and discoloration. Thanks to the individual characterization of veneers, it is possible to match them exactly to the surrounding natural teeth.